Bing bong Me : 'Wilce, can you get the door I'm busy rehearsing?' Grocery delivery man to Wilcey “ 'ere that sounds like you've got a budding guitarist learning to play in there”
Please note there is a change of venue for Barcelona 22nd October - We will now be playing at the Bikini Bar, all tickets purchased for Carpa Del Forum, are still valid, so there's nothing to worry about, just a change of…
Nick and Karl busy with the final stages of mixing Men Who Climb Mountains hopefully it'll be wrapped up next week so we can all go off on holiday for a bit..........I mean start rehearsing for the tour!
Regrettably we have to announce that Pendragon have parted ways with drummer Scott Higham for personal reasons. We have had a great 6 years with Scott and he has brought much to the band, we wish him well for the future.
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